Gymnastics Skills

Proficient Skills:

Vault– Tsukahara tuck and pike, Yurchenko tuck, pike, and layout

Bars– Kip cast to handstand, handstand 1/2 pirouette to overshoot, clearhip circle, giant swings, double tuck dismount, toe shoot release to high bar, jump mount from spring board to high bar

Beam–  Back handspring layout stepout series,  standing back tuck straddle jump connection, switch leap switch leap straddle jump in connection, switch side leap, back handspring gainer 1/1 twist dismount

Floor– Front handspring layout punch layout, front handspring layout 1/1,  roundoff back handspring  1½ punch tuck or pike, switch side leap to straddle jump, switch leap  to torgeté 1/2 connection, shushunova, front and side aerial, handstand walk 40’+